Jun 10, 2009

Armoire Problem Solved & Redbud Designs

So my grandpa came over to inspect the armoire situation, and discovered that it was a European armoire which can be disassembled fairly easily with no pulling out of nails or dismantling hardware. He unscrewed a couple of hinges that were holding the whole thing together and it came apart like a puzzle. Who knew? It took 3 of us to put it back together in the right room, but the whole process was only about an hour from start to finish. Not bad!  Grandpa saves the day!

I'm entering to win a new blog header from Sharon at Redbud Designs. It's a long shot because I have never won anything in my entire life. Kate was the one who used to always win at cake walks and carnivals.  I have zero of that winning karma. Maybe that's my problem-- negative self talk. This time, I'll try to think positively. I think I can win. I think I can win. I think can win. . .


JENNY said...

Yay for Grandpa saving the day!

I never win anything either....

Kate said...

Grandpa's so good with armoires! He fixed ours when the wood was cracking and built shelves to go in there that can be taken out later or adjusted. Glad you were able to keep and use yours.

Good luck with the contest! Sharon's designs are great.

Sarah Cornett said...

so glad the problem was solved! that is a beautiful armoire!