Jul 6, 2009

Happy Birthday!

This is a birthday post! I have three important people with birthdays this week:

My sister Kate is turning 28 today! She is an amazing sister and friend. I love her so much more than I can describe in words. I have loved watching her with Eydie. She is already such a great mom! I am so glad that we get to share the joys and struggles of motherhood together. 

My friend Leslie is turning 30 today! She has become one of my closest friends since we moved to Abilene. I love hanging out with this girl! She is always real, always sincere, and hilarious. Happy Birthday, Leslie (and thanks for watching Pierson and Ava.) When I asked you originally I had no idea it would fall on your 30th. I owe you big time!


My mom's birthday is Thursday. I am so thankful to have such a supportive mom! She has always challenged and encouraged me. I love watching her be grandma "sasi" to my kids. They adore her. She even made this Little House on the Prairie outfit for Ava. Love you, mom!

I have so much I could say about each of these people, but I am Art Camped out tonight as I type this and I need to get a few things ready for tomorrow. I did want to give a shout out though and tell you how thankful I am for each of you! 


leslie said...

Thanks for the shout out Summer! James totally surprised me on this one. I appreciate you and your friendship more than you know!

Kate said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes sweet sister! Love you!

Leah said...

Love those Ladies! Hope you are getting some rest after marketplace and art camp.

Sandra said...

Thanks for living up to your name and bringing so much sunshine into our lives. I treasure these days.