Nov 25, 2008

Where have all the bloggers gone?

I started this blog back in 2005, before "blog mania" began. Back then the only links I had were my sister, my dad, my cousin, and Shelly.  Whenever I mentioned "blogging," most of my friends had never heard of it!  Skip ahead a few years, and now it seems that everyone I know is posting their own deep thoughts or photos of their kids.  I was really enjoying being connected to all my blogger friends.  But lately I have noticed that the once faithful updaters have been slacking and even the comments have dwindled.  I was beginning to wonder where all the bloggers had gone, and then I found you. . . on facebook!  The Internet is a funny, fickle thing.  There's always something newer, better, and cooler!  I had been holding off, but I finally gave in and joined fb. I have to admit that it is pretty addicting watching every one's status and finding friends. I'm not giving up this blog though.  It's been with me now for 4 years since Ava was a newborn!  So if I don't comment on your post, I am still reading, but I'll just catch you on facebook.


Monica said...

I am with you on the blog. I love my blog as it keeps a record of my life. Can face book really do that? In a way I wish facebook would go away so all the bloggers would return. : ) I guess it is the new thing for now.

Sarah J. said...

I've been holding out on facebook too, but I guess it's time to give in. I just didn't want something else that would suck away time on the computer. Anyway, I'm still blogging when I can and definitely reading too... just not the best at commenting.


Susan said...

Back at 'cha babe!

jkreggp said...

I have stopped blogging, and seldom leave comments, but I still enjoy your writing and the pictures you post.

Noe Family said...

I was reading along thinking "They're on Facebook Summer! Then you said "they're on Facebook!" ha,ha!

Anonymous said...

I completely relate! I just wrote a where are all my readers post earlier tonight! I didn't have a FB either until a few weeks ago, and everyone who is on it sure it obsessed. :)

I found you via feedjit btw.

Candy said...

That's so funny. I was just thinking this the other day and you're right! I came to the same conclusion - facebook. I miss the old days and I'm trying to up my posting. I've had my blog for 5 years this coming April. Amazing. 5 years. It is a much better way to record the moments of our lives. Keep it up Summer!